Avenger of the Week | The American Woman Voter
photo credit: Katherine Hanlon, via Unsplash
The American Woman Voter is our Avenger of the Week.
Since 1980, a higher percentage of women than men have voted in presidential elections — 63% of eligible women voted compared to 59% of eligible men in 2016 — and, since 1964, the total number of women voting in a presidential race has exceeded the number of men. In 2016, 10 million more votes were cast by women than by men.* Women have powerful voices during elections, and we use them.
Save and share this image wherever you encourage women to vote!
It’s the centennial of women beginning to gain the right to vote, so keep up the good work! Make it a priority to have your voice heard and counted. However you do it, early in person or on Tuesday — VOTE — and encourage everyone in your life to follow your good example.
* Center for the American Woman in Politics, Eagleton Institute of Politics, Rutgers University
Let's hear it for American women voters!
Celebrate democracy and the 100th anniversary of women’s first gain of voting rights in the US by having your voice counted — #VOTE — and make sure your friends and family get into it, too. See you all at the ballot box! #GenderAvenger https://www.genderavenger.com/blog/avenger-of-the-week-american-woman-voter