#WhoTalks? Month 4 Review and the #WhoTalks Halls of Fame and Shame

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GenderAvenger, the Women’s Media Center, and Rutgers University’s Center for American Women and Politics are collaborating on the year-long #WhoTalks? project to look at the representation of women analysts in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. The data so far reveal a less than stellar inclusion rate for women commentators across five of the six major cable news shows, with little improvement over time.

The June results are now in and, sadly, The Kelly File continues to top the Hall of Shame list with only 15% women guests invited to speak on the show. In better news, The Rachel Maddow Show rose from a three-month 33% average to a perfectly balanced 50% in June.

Now it’s time to take action: let’s call out The Kelly File for its serial Hall of Shame ranking and give The Rachel Maddow Show a shout-out for its improvement.

Hall of Shame:
The Kelly File

Let’s show The Kelly File that GenderAvengers are keeping count: 
The show had 108 guests and only 16 women guests throughout the entire month? Try harder!

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.@megynkelly: did you know you only featured 15% women guests on #KellyFile over the past 3 months? Unacceptable! http://app.genderavenger.com/plot/Iv1UrrB

Hall of Fame: The
Rachel Maddow Show

The Rachel Maddow Show, on the other hand, burst into the Hall of Fame in June after a dismal first few months. Looks like they are paying attention, now let’s encourage them to keep it up!

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Congratulations @maddow, 50% women guests on Rachel Maddow show in June. As it should be! #HallofFame #GenderAvenger http://app.genderavenger.com/plot/OSXAjA1  

Want to hear more about the #WhoTalks project?