Politicon Is Better But Still Has Room to Grow
image credit: Simonsidi [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons
The “Unconventional Political Conference” Politicon is next week, and they are so close to earning a GA Stamp of Approval. In 2015, their speaker lineup was only 27% women, and last year we called out a prominent manel, but this year things are looking up! 38% women, 44% of whom are women of color, is a big improvement. How can they improve even more? They can add lots more women and get rid of the five manels they still have in their lineup. That’ll brighten up the political climate of this conference for sure.
Get rid of the #manels, add more women overall, and things will be looking a-ok, @Politicon. #genderavenger https://www.genderavenger.com/blog/politicon-is-better-but-still-has-room-to-grow