#HallOfFame | TEDMED 2015

TEDMED 2015, the annual health and medicine version of TED, just announced speakers for its conference on November 18th through November 20th. Its 54% female speaker lineup has landed TEDMED 2015 in GenderAvenger Hall of Fame!  

TEDMED bridges the gap between science and the public by finding and sharing stories that inform, inspire, engage and provoke action across a broad, passionate community both inside and outside of health and medicine. TEDMED values inclusiveness, multi-disciplinary collaboration and diversity in its mission to catalyze a healthier world.

It's refreshing to see a conference practice what it preaches. Saying you want "inclusiveness" and "diversity" is great, but it's all just words unless you put it into action through your speaker lineup. With 54% female speakers, TEDMED 2015 turned its conference values into powerful results. 

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Great job, @TEDMED! 54% female speakers = a #HallofFame gender ratio at #TEDMED2015 http://www.genderavenger.com/blog/halloffame-tedmed-2015 #genderavenger