#HallOfFame | Social Innovation Summit 2015
Social Innovation Summit 2015 took place this week on June 10th and 11th, and featured a Hall of Fame gender ratio in their speaker lineup! Out of 95 speakers, 44 were women. This attention to balance extended to their featured speakers, which included 6 women and 9 men.
“The Social Innovation Summit is a twice annual event taking place in Washington, DC and Silicon Valley, that represents a global convening of black swans and wayward thinkers. Where most bring together luminaries to explore the next big idea, we bring together those hungry not just to talk about the next big thing, but to build it.
We're happy to see that women are an equal part of #SIS15's innovative vision. Check out the GA Tallies below, which breakdown their speaker lineups this year:
Thank you for the nomination, Laura Walker McDonald!
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Welcome to the #HallofFame! #SIS15 features 46% female speakers: http://www.genderavenger.com/blog/halloffame-social-innovation-summit-2015 #genderavenger