#HallofFame | Internet Week NY
Welcome to the GenderAvenger Hall of Fame, Internet Week NY! The 2015 #IWNY included 43% female speakers. In her recap for Plum Alley, Lucy Drummond highlighted this excellent balanced gender ratio:
“The major victory I witnessed at IWNY 2015 has to do with its active spotlight of women. I have never seen so many prominent women recognized and given the stage at a major conference unless the conference’s theme is specifically devoted to women. Both men and women are doing creative, promising things with the internet, and IWNY successfully brought light to many of them.
Thank you Sara Weinheimer for this nomination!
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New #HallofFame! 2015 @internetweek featured 43% female speakers: http://www.genderavenger.com/blog/halloffame-internet-week-ny #IWNY #genderavenger