#GAReads | Women Fight Institutional Bias in the Hemophilia Community
photo credit: Karolina Grabowska, via Pexels
“Women Fight Institutional Bias in the Hemophilia Community”:
Have you ever been to a holiday dinner with two tables? One table is designated for “the adults” and the other is for “the kids.” Growing up, this was the case at many family gatherings. I felt offended when I, as a teenager in high school, was stuck at the children’s table with my much-younger cousins. How could I join the adults in the conversation? I was ready to be included, but they were not ready to include me.
Sadly, this is still often the reality for women in the hemophilia community who seek a proper diagnosis and treatment. They need a place at the table to have their hemophilia journeys heard, validated, and addressed.
Read Shellye Horowitz’s full article at Hemophilia News Today here…