#GAReads | Melinda Gates: "Nobody actually collects good data about women's lives"
Melinda Gates. Photo credit: DFID - UK Department for International Development [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
"Melinda Gates: 'Nobody actually collects good data about women's lives'":
Melinda Gates is known as the co-chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. But the longtime philanthropist is also the founder of a for-profit organization called Pivotal Ventures. Through her for-profit enterprise, Gates is trying to get more women and minorities in tech by funding venture capitalists who invest in more diverse entrepreneurs. Such funders are known as limited partners, or LPs, but the name is misleading because limited partners hold the purse strings and can set a venture capitalist’s agenda if they want to. Marketplace Tech host Molly Wood spoke with Gates about how being at the top of the VC food chain can have an impact on the whole system.
Read Molly Wood, Stephanie Hughes, and Shaheen Ainpour's full article at Marketplace here…