#GAReads | How to counter 'manels' and make scientific meetings more inclusive
1927 Solvay Conference on Quantum Mechanics. Photo credit: Benjamin Couprie [public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
“How to counter 'manels' and make scientific meetings more inclusive”:
Look around many scientific conferences, and older, white and male faces predominate. That’s why three science groups have just published a guide on how organizers can make scientific meetings more diverse and inclusive, in part by avoiding ‘manels’ — all-male panels. The report comes from the community groups 500 Women Scientists and the Earth Science Women’s Network and the Aspen Global Change Institute in Basalt, Colorado, which organizes interdisciplinary science workshops.
Nature sat down with Angie Pendergrass, an atmospheric scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado, who coordinated the guide.