#GAReads | A Study of Pay at The Washington Post

A Study of Pay at The Washington Post”:

Washington Post employees work hard every day to ensure that our company is a leader in the journalism industry. Members of our company’s union, The Washington Post Newspaper Guild, believe The Post should also lead the way in how it treats its staff.

We want to foster an environment where all people, regardless of their gender, race, religion, sex, age or job, feel they are heard, respected and paid fairly.

Our company has expressed a commitment to these values. But the members of the Post Guild believe that true progress can only be achieved when we begin with the facts. And the facts tell us that The Post has a problem with pay disparity.

The Post has never conducted and released to the public a comprehensive pay study of its own. So this year, Post Guild decided to do one itself.

Read the full article at The Washington Post Guild here…