#GAReads | 56 Female Speakers You Should Put on Stage, and Why


56 Female Speakers You Should Put on Stage, and Why”:

Some people say 2018 is the 'year of the woman,' but 2019 should be the year that women get their due on stage at traditionally male-dominated marketing events nationwide.

I've been extremely blessed to present at over a dozen marketing events over the last couple of years, and although the speaker mix still tends, overall, to favor males, I'm hopeful that this list will help conference organizers identify and bring in even more women in 2019. 

And so, as a male speaker, I pledge to do more than just talk the talk: from now on, I'll be sending this list along to every event that reaches out to me. Every one of the women listed below is extraordinarily talented, and I'd be honored to share a stage with any and all of them.

Read Chris Strub’s full article here…