#GAReads | How a Twitter war in 2010 helped change the way we talk about women's writing

How a Twitter war in 2010 helped change the way we talk about women’s writing“:

In 2010, feminist writers decided that silence was unacceptable. So over the past decade, they began talking more and more about which publications cover women’s narratives — and who, by association, considers women’s narratives to be valuable. And in many ways, the story of this decade is the story of how women’s writing scrabbled its way into the conversation.

At this point, the other end of the decade, it is no longer quite so controversial as it used to be to suggest that women’s stories aren’t given the same platforms as stories written by men. Instead, what was shocking when Weiner suggested it in 2010 has now become close to conventional wisdom.

Read Constance Grady’s full article at Vox here…