Avenger of the Week | You Tell Us!
photo credit: Christina @ wocintechchat.com, via Unsplash
2019 is winding down, and as we gear up for a busy 2020 (it’s our 5th anniversary!), we want to know who you want to see as Avenger of the Week. Do you know someone who is working to ensure equal gender balance and representation in your industry? Is there a great woman who changed history by taking a stand or speaking out for women’s equality? Is there a child in your life who is challenging the status quo? Tell us about them!
Contact us and share why you think we should feature them as our Avenger of the Week (use the subject line “Avenger of the Week Nomination”).
Is there someone in your life who should be a @GenderAvenger #AvengerOfTheWeek? All you have to do is nominate them, and they could be featured in an upcoming Friday edition of our newsletter. #GenderAvenger https://www.genderavenger.com/blog/avenger-of-the-week-you-tell-us