Avenger of the Week | Irene Gandy, Tony-Winning Broadway and Off-Broadway Publicist

“I don’t fit the profile for a lot of people.” If that doesn’t describe most of our Avengers of the Week, we don’t know what does. Irene Gandy, with theatre credits stretching back to 1968, “the only Black and queer woman of the Association of Theatrical Press Agents and Managers,” is an advocate for gender parity in the theater industry, and the current Executive Producer of the New Heritage Theatre Group in Harlem.

Ms. Magazine says it best: “One of the most effective ways to combat the endemic exclusion of women from positions of leadership is to create coalitions that uplift and empower women through the support of other women. Gandy… is a powerful guiding light for those who need one in this industry most.”

🦸🏽‍♀️ “I don’t fit the profile for a lot of people.” —Irene Gandy, Tony-winning publicist and @GenderAvenger #AvengerOfTheWeek. #GenderAvenger https://www.genderavenger.com/blog/avenger-of-the-week-irene-gandy