Action Alert | UPDATE: TechCrunch Disrupt Is NOT Going for the Gold
An audience at TechCrunch Disrupt San Francisco 2018. Photo credit: TechCrunch [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons.
Back in June, we previewed TechCrunch Disrupt 2021, which will be held virtually September 21-23, and our hopes were high. At the time, 77 speakers had been announced, and women made up 61% of speakers, with women of color representing 25% of the overall lineup. TechCrunch was definitely on track for our highest honor, a Gold GA Stamp of Approval.
We took another look now that the event is just weeks away, and the percentage of women has dropped to 42% and women of color to 18% of speakers overall. Cue our disappointment.
GenderAvenger has been following TechCrunch for years, and unfortunately this is not the first time the lineup has started strong, only to skew towards men speakers in the end. We know they can do better!
Let TechCrunch know we’re watching:
🙅♀️ 44% women speakers at @TechCrunch Disrupt 2021 is not enough, especially with a history of poor gender balance. 😒 It’s time to commit to reaching gender parity and a Gold @GenderAvenger Stamp of Approval! #GenderAvenger