Action Alert | One Step Forward, One Step Back for the New York Times

Thanks to Cool Mom Picks for sharing Rebecca Sherman’s post about the New York Times Picture Book list from last week. We love seeing so many strong women represented — not only as authors but as main characters as well.


photo credit: Rebecca Sherman


But not so fast New York Times lists. We received a Facebook message from Avenger Yali Bair about the list of Top Business Books the New York Times publishes.

I recently started tracking the number of books written by women that are listed on the monthly NYT Top 10 business books list. 2016 never reached more than 3/10 and 2017 has not reached more than 3 so far. I find it impossible to believe that women don't write as many biz books or that those books are not as good as the ones written by men. Infuriating. I continue to monitor and speak out.

So do we, Yali, so do we!

One step forward, one step back for @nytimesbooks ‏lists. cc @coolmompicks #genderavenger