Action Alert | The Stats Don't Lie About the MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference
We were thrilled to launch GenderAvenger Massachusetts last week (stay tuned for more to come on the MA launch this Friday), and boy did those members hit the ground running. MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference found 30(!) GA Tallies in their Twitter feed and a bunch of posts on Facebook. One week ago, the speaker list makeup was 14 men and 3 women, “a thunderstorm of inequality”. Now the tally sits at 15 men and 7 women, which we call “cloudy with a chance of patriarchy”. Hopefully, by letting them know what real gender balance looks like, organizers will keep focusing on adding more women and the future of this conference will become “bright”.
The speaker list for @MITSloan #SSAC18 currently includes 15 men & 7 women, an improvement from a week ago! Keep going organizers. Bostonians & GenderAvengers everywhere are watching & counting. #GenderAvenger