Action Alert | Not One But TWO Bobblehead Manels for Proof

This is a visual representation of all of the guests who have appeared on Proof’s Scale or Die show. What do you notice?

You got it, no women. It’s pretty comical to see all those bobblehead dudes right in a row, but wait, there’s more. After marketing guru Sara McNamara called them out on Twitter, her follower Lindsey Christensen did a little research on Proof, and you’ll never guess what she discovered: ANOTHER BOBBLEHEAD MANEL, this one representing the Proof team.

To the dudes at Proof, it’s time to break up those bobblehead manels and get some ladies in the mix.

Hey @UseProof. What does one bobblehead #manel plus another bobblehead manel make? Too many dudes! It’s time to shake things up and add women to the mix. h/t @ifeellikemacmac + @Lindsey3D #GenderAvenger