Action Alert | Commit to Your Part of Gender Equality in 2022
We’re certain that this is one of many “New Year’s Resolution” themed emails coming to your inbox this week. So we’ll keep it brief.
A lot has happened this year and 2021 gave us much to think about. With so much to think about and so many problems to solve, deciding where to even begin can get overwhelming. Take a moment to breathe and reflect on how far women have come and how far we still must go to achieve equality in all spaces.
Source: Unsplash
We ask that you commit to tackling gender inequality in 2022. We all know what’s at stake, so we won’t reiterate the data points you see on social media or in press releases. But we do hope that you think about where your talents, passions, and resources can best support the fight for gender equality. It can be as simple as asking, “Where are the women?” in a setting where there are only men present. Or it can be as easy as using the GA Tally to time who talked the most at an event, meeting, or on television. Or it can be as impactful as making sure that the new class of interns at your organization is gender-balanced, includes women of color, and non-binary folks.
GenderAvenger is committed to ensuring that women’s voices count. By highlighting where women are or are not represented in public dialogue and amplifying voices in the community, we’re doing our part to chip away at the gigantic problem of gender imbalance. We aren’t asking you to take a pledge (yet) but we would love for you to join us by claiming your part in the push for a more gender-equal world.
Share your gender equality resolutions with us! How will you commit to gender equality in 2022? Comment below or tell us your plans on Twitter and LinkedIn!
Community Action - Support GenderAvenger
There’s still time to donate! If you believe that women’s voices count, add GenderAvenger to your list of non-profits and causes you’re supporting now and into 2022.
Can’t donate now but still wanna help?
Share our donate page with others
Forward our Action Alerts to other potential GenderAvengers
Use the GA Tally to count who’s present or time who’s talking
Nominate a conference, list, or event for a GA Stamp of Approval
Resources and Reads
How are others helping women claim their place at the table, at the mic, behind the camera, or in other places of power and influence? We hope that this week’s reads empower and inspire your advocacy:
The World Inequality Report 2022 presents the most up-to-date synthesis of international research efforts to track global inequalities. As we think about gender inequality, it’s good for us to take a moment once in a while to think about achieving gender balance within a framework of solving inequality everywhere. Please read how globally, gender inequality has minimal improvements in chapter 5 - “Half the sky? The Female Labor Income Share in a Global Perspective”.
We lift as we climb! The Philanthropy Women Gender Equality Funder Database is a unique data hub that aggregates over 700 listings of foundations, funds, and grantmakers. Please share with individuals and organizations doing the work to change the equation. Funder Database: 413 Funders for Gender Equality in the US
Bonus Resource For Your Resolutions: Want to improve DEI at their company? Curious about how to improve your company’s pay equity? Need insight into how to improve your speaker line-up for an event in 2022? Explore which tool aligns with your company initiative or passion project and get started with The FQ Toolkit
P.S. Thank you to everyone who has been participating in #GATallyTuesday! Look out for a reminder on social media each Tuesday to share your tallies!
📣🎉 What’s your gender equality #NewYearsResolution? Whatever you choose to pursue, we hope you’ll use your talents, passions, and resources to make gender equality an important part of your 2022 goals. #GenderAvenger